Reflecting on Transitions--Special Message from Executive Director Mary Graham

Preschoolers delight in a pretend-play picnic, sharing 'snacks' together in their classroom's cozy cube. The ability to use the imagination is a cognitive skill required throughout life and is fundamental to problem solving. Children's Village encourages creativity and imagination in many ways, including frequent opportunities for pretend and dramatic play!

During free choice play, a preschooler combines square and triangle magnetic tiles. When asked what she was building, she commented 'her houses!'

Dear Friends,

With the year coming to a close, I have been thinking a lot about transitions. When I was studying child care at Temple University nearly 50 years ago, my professor Dr. Mary Daniels (now age 101), who remains my cherished mentor, instilled in me the powerful role of positive transitions in shaping the lives of young children. Her lesson was a touchstone. It has informed Children's Village's approach since we opened in 1976.

For example, through a comprehensive process, Children's Village learns as much as we can about a student and family and their routines before a child transitions from their home into our care. When a child moves from one age group to another, we welcome them into the new environment incrementally, over a multi-week period. When a preschooler takes the monumental step to grammar school, we offer a special summer Rising Kindergarten Program as a bridge to this watershed experience.

A young learner readies himself for a trip down the slide on Children's Village outdoor play deck. Nurturing healthy bodies and minds, we provide many daily opportunities for movement and play.

For these and other transitions, we take great care in preparing and guiding children as they form relationships, learn new routines, and connect to new settings. Why? Because it lays the foundation for them to thrive.

It is in this vein of setting the stage for success that I am honored to announce that I will serve on Mayor-elect Cherelle Parker’s Transition Team for the Subcommittee on Education. I join Sharon Ward, Children's Village Board President in this work and am heartened that several other ECE representatives also have been selected to participate.

I intend to highlight the importance of including the Early Childhood Education (ECE) during any educational system discussions. What takes place in the early learning environment should not be siloed and dismissed as 'babysitting' but recognized for its profound impact on children, families, and communities.

As we reflect on 2023 and anticipate the arrival of 2024 -- and for our Chinese families, the coming of the Year of the Dragon in February-- let's recommit to supporting and advocating for access to high-quality learning for every child. Doing so will assure a brighter future for all of us.

Thank you and wishing you peace,

Mary E. Graham, Executive Director
Children’s Village

Ellen Saint Clair